
香港 · 东方之珠 | 庆祝香港回归祖国25周年

香港 · 东方之珠

7月1日是香港一国两制回归25周年,香港著名画家、联合国UN国际传媒电视台总裁、香港时代卫视与港澳国际传媒集团董事局主席多文先生用平时长期观察记录香港的作品,从香港开埠殖民遗风和现代时尚的融合,用写生去揭示了这座亚洲大都市香港的本土文化现象。用细语去绘制了他们的生活片段和擦肩而过的忧伤与欢乐。画家想表达的是在1997年至2022年里,去寻找一个东西方大都市文化的新感动;去聆听一下涛声依旧的新感觉;并寻求一曲香港更美好的新颂歌。情愫之中,与难以割舍的炎黄子孙香港、澳门、台湾乃至世界华人在寻根溯源、爱和平才是他们未来健康发展和延续香火的最爱喽 ⋯⋯

Hong Kong · Pearl of the East

June 1st is the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to Hong Kong, one country, two systems. Mr. Duo Wen, a famous Hong Kong painter, president of the United Nations International Media Television, chairman of the board of directors of Hong Kong Times Satellite TV and the Hong Kong-Macao International Media Group, recorded Hong Kong's works with long-term observation and colonised Hong Kong. The integration of folklore and modern fashion reveals the local cultural phenomenon of Hong Kong in this Asian metropolis with sketching. Use whispers to draw fragments of their lives and passing sadness and joy. What the painter wants to express is to find a new touch of the eastern and western metropolitan culture from 1997 to 2022; to listen to the new feeling that the sound of the waves is still the same; and to seek a better new ode to Hong Kong. In love, with the inseparable descendants of Yan and Huang, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and even the Chinese all over the world, look back to the roots and love peace - this is their favourites for the healthy development and continuation of incense in the future...


To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return


Chinese and English versions of the United Nations


Wishing Hong Kong a better tomorrow


解说:张鸣浩  中国中央广播电视总台

撰文 绘画:多文    设计 制作:海霞

策划 编辑:鸿杰   李晴

英译 统筹:李文彬   約翰·督帝

Commentary: Zhang Minghao CCTV

Writing: Duowen

Design and Production: Haixia

Planning Editor: Hongjie Li Qing

English Translation Co-ordinator:Li Wenbin JohanDudi

 联合制作联合国UNNGO国际电视传媒集团 港澳传媒华语国际台 港澳国际文化交流中心

Produced by UNNGO International Television Media Group,

Hong Kong and Macao Media Mandarin International and Hong Kong

and Macao International Cultural Exchange Centre


United Nations Headquarters (Mantan, New York)


香港  · 东方之珠

